Monday 15 February 2016

Gravity Falls!

What?! A blog about Gravity Falls? How dare I! No, but seriously, Gravity Falls is airing its final episode and I NEED to talk about it's amazingness. The show has brilliant characters, a brilliant soundtrack, a diverse cast of fun personalities and a compelling and endearing story! Now, I could rant and rave about how purely brilliant the series.

But, why not you?

This blog needs discussion, c'mon. Comment. What was your favourite moment? And yes you reading the blog, comment now. What were the weaknesses of the show? Are you a viewer of this who hates Gravity Falls? Gasp, comment below why!

Basically comment below, anything about the series. #RememberTheFalls


  1. I can't waitttt !!! I'm so hype, cosplaying almost all the main characters going to be in it, and stuffing myself with snacks! The end is near, and we're all going to feel feels <3

    1. What's the high point of the series for you? I am so clouded by excitement atm.

    2. Same here! I'm pretty hype for the finale, mostly about who's gonna die, if they defeat Bill, how this is all gonna go down, and ah! The thought that Alex cried while making a few scenes makes me think... What can we expect??

    3. He cried?
      Oh my gosh.
      This finale is going to be good, the cast are so involved in it. I am sure it'll be a great send off, and I will probably end up being sad, I mean for Alex it was his baby, it was his first animated shown with him fully at the helm, with his characters and no one else's, so I can see why he would be upset.

    4. Yeah, especially since someone dies!!
