Common Questions

What is this blog about?

Numerous shows, mainly SU unless its on a hiatus. But it will contain the cool shows which are airing, plus possibly Over The Garden Wall and Shorts because of the lack of Uncle Grandpa, Teen Titans Go!, which I dislike. That's it! Simple, right?

What do you do to prepare for writing a blog?

Watch the show! Other than that, I don't think I will do much. See notice, at this time, I haven't written any blogs at all. Wowza! You are VERY lucky to see this. But honestly, I would LOVE to just watch the shows on TV. #TheSplat. Some episodes shouldn't be hard to find, and screenshots are what I shall be posting. 

Why did you write this blog?

Well I have a serious thirst for writing and I have seen over blogs do the same (Full House, which I am so glad someone hates, eugh and its coming back and ATBG, and Hey Arnold Reviewed which I dunno what happened to that.) I suppose the main reason is because I love the shows, and this is an excuse to jumble multiple show reviews in one blog.

I see a mistake. Can I correct you?

Sure! Gosh, we all make mistakes. Please, correct me!


It'll be here soon.

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