Friday 18 December 2015

The Powerpuff Girls - Episode 2: Mommy Fearest

Professor brings home Ima Goodlady, but she doesn't seem to live up to her she really Ima Goodlady?
  • Buttercup - Anything she did wasn't on her own, I can't really judge her.
  • Bubbles - Significantly the best of the sisters so far. She does much more and is quite funny.
  • Blossom - Clearly established as the leader, but still doesn't do much in the time constraint.
  • Professor - Good in the episode, we see his loneliness and he isn't gullible. 
  • Sedusa - A very abusive and interesting villain, certainly want to see more. 
Good Moments
Shocking choice? Okay, well the girls are hilarious as a unit. This scene emphasises that they aren't and should not be portrayed as babies. Plus, them stating who they are is funny. It's good that we see there is a sense, this is the start of the series, pretty much. So we do need these, seemingly useless, moments sprinkled throughout the episodes, specifically to balance the episodes actiony and zany plots. 

The revelation of Sedusa being evil was handled brilliantly, this section is mainly about how it was handled. Understandably, they had a time constraint and with what they had, they did well. Firstly, Sedusa's plans were not poor or just random because they had a reason. They didn't attempt to use so much exposition like some shows and merely showed how bad she is, really well. Having her be ever so mean to the protagonists and showing that she is a serious villain really helps show there is no point of return. Plus, you do get some funny jokes out of the scenario, much like many scenarios. The animation in scenes like this is brilliant, the anger and villainous nature is clearly conveyed, the shadows and dark colours are just great at showing Sedusa's bad side.

The resolution to Sedusa was good. The voice acting of Jennifer Hale was brilliant. I am glad that Professor was intelligent enough to actually trick the girls into believing he was gullible. The music really enhanced the tension especially with the angles being focused more on the girls and not the Professor.

Bad Moments
The ending of the episode was relatively abrupt, possibly purposely. My main issue with the ending is that it just seems to pointless, like we realize it deliberately parodies the situation that has just occurred, but it isn't humorous, at least not to me anyway. Plus, I don't see why Professor would in the same trap again, because Sedusa could've easily worn another disguise in a later episode and the Professor would probably forget completely about this incident, and would be oblivious. 

No others.

Character Issues
  • The Professor not realizing Octi was taken away.
  • The Professor tricking the girls even for a brief moment.
  • Buttercup not being one of the ones to do a lot of punching. I mean if it was centring on a certain conflict, it was understandable but Bubbles got most of the fighting.
  • The girls stating they were the Powerpuff girls.
  • Bubbles saying "Duh." Throughout the episode as if it is obvious.
  • The scene where the girls are readying Professor for the date.
Animation + Soundtrack
Scenes like Sedusa in the dark, Sedusa grounding the girls all show great animation, considering this was made in 1998 and it could still hold up just as well today, and it is better animated than a few shows on TV nowadays. The tension was enhanced due to the music, like when Professor was tricking Sedusa, the music was building up, and then it stopped and came down from it's peak. The music in this episode was really good.

Sedusa is the MVP. She deserves it due to her great villainous nature. She really held up the episode. Runner up? I'd say The Narrator.

9/10. It's good, like there isn't any moment where I feel they could've improved, but it still feels like it is missing something, the animation and soundtrack are topnotch, the Medusa pun is brilliant, like the antagonist of the episode. Plus, we see more of Professor's loneliness which is never mentioned again, and we see the girls as a unit which is something that I wish they didn't do in this episode because it's early on and we still need to see them grow individually as characters.

Issue of Font Size
It changes for like no reason...eventually Blogger will stop doing this to me!

Sunday 6 December 2015

Samurai Jack - Episode 1: Part I - The Beginning

A young samurai is sent to train all around the world and eventually returns, ready for a battle, only to be thrust into the late future.


  • Samurai Jack (Unnamed) - We see him grow into a fit and healthy young man and we know why he wants to fight, he experienced such trauma and yet it has only strengthened his resolve. Consistently good, especially considering the small amount of dialogue. 
  • Aku - Aku is so dastardly and downright malevolent. One of the greatest villains ever found in a children's cartoon, even now. Better than Jack in this episode.
  • Samurai Jacks Father - His father provides the exposition and the catalyst for Jack going off to train. 
  • Samurai Jacks Mother - Though minor, her expressions, the way she holds Jack back, it makes me wish we learn more about her. 

Good Moments
This scene establishes Aku as a villain. The villain of the show. The dark colors, the atmosphere is built up and everything is so tense, without this scene, then there would still be other scenes, but this is the first scene to establish Aku as a very malevolent force of evil. The burning building pushes barriers, like the show itself. It's inclusion is rather shocking nowadays, and it only heightens the anticipation.

The montage of Jack training is fundamental, we see him grow as a fighter and person. Gennedy uses music to enhance the tension and suspense, hooking the viewer in. Whenever you have a montage you need to make sure that is a purpose, and this montage definitely does. Also, Jack gets to experience different cultures and a variety of different fighting styles, it makes me curious as to why the parents decided this was the course of action.

Samurai Jack is primarily an action show. The first fight of the show delivered. It was an extreme attempt at showing how strong Samurai Jack is. Plus, we always need a good confrontation between hero and villain, and due to this being an action show the first fight mattered deeply, the music really enhances the mood, the animation and the cinematic angles (all unique to the show) and the fact that there is a dialogue in this fight (rare) make it stand out.

Bad Moments
Now this me just trying to find at least some mistake, but I feel the beginning scene went on for to long and the main issue I had with it was the constant and quick flashing because it so rapid and confusing (probably what was intended), it just went on to long and I feel like a scene like this would have worked if it was slightly shorter, but at least the colors were dark and not bright and wildly flashing. Again, this is a minor thing.

The issue with this show is that I may not be able to find "bad moments" on such a regular basis because it has had consistent quality throughout the course of the show. 

Character Issues
The issue I have is that Aku is played completely straight here and even though it works, there was no hint of Aku's funny side, not even a slight comment during the battle with Jack. Another issue I have is Jack, we do not really know much about him, his personality traits remain shrouded in mystery, of course it is the first episode so clearly I am letting this slide.

Alas, this show is not mainly a comedic show. It is focused on drama, action and deep themes and the adventures of Samurai Jack of course. The episode was not comedic at all, and of course there was no reason for it to be.

Animation + Soundtrack

The animation in this episode is slightly rough and it relatively is creepy when you see a girl on a horse just before Jack begins to train. It is creepy because much like others in the scene, they only have pupils and not the white bit, like Jack has throughout the series. It is actually kind of weird because evidently Jack isn't the only one who has the white part and pupils as well, so I wonder why the kids were animated in such a way, it looks slightly crude.

The soundtrack was expertly scored in this episode, the tension was upped at the correct points and I feel like the soundtrack was clearly the best thing about the episode. Especially in the fight with Aku at the climax of the episode, and the ending song (the intro in this case, it is shown next episode) is always timeless.


Aku is the MVP for the episode for being a good villain, that is all.

Apologies concerning the font size changing. Hopefully it won't happen in the next review, I checked the HTML and changed it so it matched the others and still came out botched. Comment, and tell me your thoughts also. I know about the new season as well (not a reboot!).

Friday 4 December 2015


Okay, so what am I reviewing? Well obviously things that are under the URL (CN, Nick, Disney) cartoons, mainly CN and Disney. Want to know what more things? Whelp, I started this blog because hey, boredom.

Okay, so welcome to the blog! Leave a comment whenever! That is pretty much it but at the moment I will be reviewing:
  • Long Live The Royals (All Episodes) - Eventually
  • Steven Universe - Regular
  • Star Vs The Forces of Evil - Regular 
Also, the way I review is structured, so it is kind of like this:

Good Moments
*Bad Moments
*Character Issues
Animation + Soundtrack

*Depends on episode/show. 

Specific episodes shows may be requested.